Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Belated 2014 Christmas Home Tour

December is almost over, but while we're still here, I'd like to share our Christmas apartment once again.  Life got away from me this December, and so as it should the blog was one of the first things that went to the backburner.

This December has been hard.  Between sheer busyness and normal chaos that comes with the season, we were hit with an unexpected loss of a dear family member.  While we are still processing the loss, we are so thankful for the time we were able to spend with our families this year.  

When we began to decorate our tree in late November, I decided to use the grapevine from a grapevine wreath as a garland around the tree.  Although our tree is a $25 as-fake-as-can-be Walmart tree, the grapevine really helps the tree come to life.  All of our decorations are either those that were given to me by my grandma on my first Christmas in a college apartment, or ornaments that I've made, or that others have made for me or given me.  

My mother-in-law taught me to make the swirly looking ornament on the left out of fabric, we made those this year together.

This ornament, however, she made us last year for our first Christmas.

This little bird was an ornament I made while living in China to decorate my little tree.

My pearl ornament I made in 2012.

This pine pearl ornament from 2013.

Tyler's aunt sent us this adorable little bird house ornament this Christmas.

And his sister made us this beautiful ornament.

She also made this one, but my picture doesn't do it justice.

Once again, we hung garland across the window and attached a large bow to the middle with lights.

But my absolute favorite detail for 2014 are these adorable pinecones hanging in the kitchen pass through window to the livingroom.  My love for pinecones is one thing, but these mini-chandeliers are simply the best simplistic but chic decoration that I'm into this year.

Don't you feel their charm?  I love pinecone charm.

Once again, we hung our kissing ball in the livingroom.  

I added some pine branches and my snowman scene with a tree made out of a...guess what...PINECONE!  (I actually refer to myself as the crazy pinecone resident at my complex.  I'm sure that's what other residents have secretly named me as well.  I have a real obsession.)

I added some pine branches that I found on the ground after a storm to a vase with cranberries floating to make the perfect winter centerpiece for our table.  It is surprising how long pine branches will look good indoors.

I like having a little Christmas at the coffee bar.  This year I went shopping with my mom and grandma, and after going our separate ways we all ended up telling each other about the same tree.  Needless to say, we checked out one by one, at the same register, each purchasing the same tree.  The clerk was slightly confused.  But that rustic tree was perfect for the coffee bar.

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  1. Sorry about your loss! I'm sure it was heavy on your heart over Christmas.
    Your home looks beautiful, and your ornaments are all so special! I love that bauble from your mom in law, and I share your pine cone obsession (though likely to a lesser degree!) ;)

  2. Beautiful pictures! I really enjoyed this post. I pinned the image of the birdhouse ornament to a secret gift board on Pinterest. My mother loves bird houses and all of her ornaments on her tree are home-made. Your image inspired me to make a birdhouse ornament for her, so thank you! Hope you have a wonderful new years!

  3. Aww, I'm glad you like it! I'm not sure how his aunt made it, but it is super cute! Good luck making one for your mother! Happy New Year, thanks for stopping by!

  4. Thanks Erica, Christmas was heavy, but the holiday did give us more time to be with family in the aftermath, which I think really helped the grieving process.

    Tyler's mom has made us some pretty intricate ornaments, she loves quilting and put a lot of those skills into the ornaments. What is it about the pinecones? They're the best!

  5. Your decorations are wonderful! I'm so sorry for the loss of your family member. That must have been incredibly hard!


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