Friday, March 14, 2014

Hanging Sweet Potato Vine

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen a couple months back that I had some sweet potato vines growing in jars.  (My husband thought this process was extremely weird).

It might be a bit weird.  But one day when I looked in the pantry area and noticed that my sweet potatoes were growing, and the shoots were already quite long, I decided to seize the opportunity for some live greenery.  I knew sweet potato vines can be quite pretty, so I decided to keep them growing.

For a couple months I've had them growing in these jars with just water and occasionally feeding them.  They were finally starting to outgrow these containers and since it is beginning to seem like Spring, I thought I would give them a real home with dirt and nutrients.  

Since this Spring still seems pretty unpredictable with temperatures in the 80s one day and below freezing the next (I'm not making this up), I wanted to be able to easily move the plant from outside to inside when needed.  I thought this hanging basket would work great!

All three plants fit well in here too!

I had some potting soil left over from last year that I decided to use.

I put some soil in the bottom and laid the largest potato in first.

Then I turned the medium sized vine the other direction.

And lastly I added the little baby vine and filled with the rest of my potting soil.

Yes, I know I need some more.

No, I did not go to the store before deciding to post this on the blog without finishing it. 
So, sorry.  Just imagine that the potatoes are covered up.

Also, imagine that once I get the rest of the potting soil in that I add in some mixed marigold seeds and cover them lightly.

Sure glad you guys have great imaginations!

Some green looks pretty great out front.  Now lets see some little purple flower weeds growing everywhere that signify the beginning of Spring!

I think the mixed marigolds will look great with the vine!  Hope my thumb is green enough to get them going and not kill them!

Do you think it is weird to grow a potato vine?  This subject is up for debate in my house!

Copyright 2012-2014 Saxon Smith (Let's Drink Coffee, Darling). All rights reserved.
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