
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easy Chicken Quesadillas

A couple weeks ago, I was trying to use some leftover peppers from a veggie tray I made and needed a quick meal that used those vegetables.  With the help of the hubby (who has great ideas on what I should cook us for dinner), we decided to make quesadillas.

This meal works out really well for us since we work opposite schedules, its quick, and at least has some vegetables in it!  I had a request to post the recipe from when I posted this on Instagram, so here you go if you wanted it!

Easy Chicken Quesadillas
Yeild:  2
2 Chicken Breasts
1/2 Green Bell Pepper
1/2 Red Bell Pepper
1/4 Medium Sized Onion
2 Tbs Olive Oil
5 Tbs Butter
4 Tortillas
1 Cup Shredded Cheese (of your choice)

Thaw chicken breasts if needed.  Heat skillet once chicken is thawed with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Add one tablespoon of butter. 

When oil and butter are hot, place chicken in pan and cook until crisp and golden brown on medium-high heat.

(I realize those aren't 2 chicken breasts.  We've been buying this bag of organic frozen chicken that comes in strips.  I only had three strips left, otherwise I'd have probably cooked four.  Hooray for running out of food.)

 While chicken is cooking, begin chopping the vegetables.

Don't forget to flip the chicken!

Cut peppers into small thin slices, and dice onion.  

Once chicken has finished cooking, take out of pan and shred with two forks on a separate plate.

Add one more tablespoon of butter to the pan and insert a tortilla.  
Add your choice of cheese to the top of the tortilla.

Next, spread the peppers and onion and across the tortilla and cheese.

Remember to experiment with flavors you like - so if you don't like bell peppers, try jalapenos, just onion, or a different meat if you'd like.

Spread shredded chicken over top of the peppers.

 Add cheese to the top of the mound.

Place another tortilla on top.
Use a spatula to check the underneath side of the tortilla.  Flip when bottom tortilla is golden-brown.

Once tortilla is crisp and brown and cheese inside has melted, remove quesadilla from the skillet.

Use pizza cutter to cut quesadilla into fourths.

This one is perfect for a quick lunch..and we even use it for dinners when we don't have a lot of time!

This has been one of our "go-to" meals recently.

Are there any meals you fall back on frequently?

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  1. I had no idea that one just uses tortillas! Oh man, this makes me so excited!!!

    1. Haha, yep just tortillas! That's what we do anyway! Of course if you want to make the meal more complicated you could make your own tortillas (which taste amazing) but the butter really helps store bought tortillas be amazing too. haha

  2. Yum, this looks so good! And it's easy which is always an added bonus :) One of my "go to" dinners is stir fry or a quick veggie soup. I love meals where you can just throw everything in a pot together quickly!

    1. As easy as they should be, I'm not good at figuring out stir fry. I never know what to put in them and every time I try the things I make don't seem to go together...or maybe whenever I think it sounds like a good idea I just don't have the right things on hand. Next blog post idea for you! haha

  3. Hi Saxon. I nominated you for a Liebster award. You can come over to my blog and see what it's all about and if you want to participate.

  4. Quesadillas are Angel's specialty! I don't like bell peppers, but we put onions, green onions, and finely sliced tomatoes in ours--they are definitely a quick and easy meal!

  5. You are making me so hungry!! I love chicken quesadillas!

