
Monday, December 2, 2013

DIY Chalk Paint Christmas Ornament

I'm really happy with how this "chalkboard" Christmas ornament turned out!  This was one of the first projects I ever did where I tried to make my own chalk-board textured paint, and I think it worked out pretty well.  

It was pretty easy to make, and here's all I did:
  • I didn't have grout (the usual ingredient for DIY chalk paint), so I researched a little to see what I could do with some at home ingredients.  I found THIS tutorial for making chalk paint with baking soda.
  • After I made the paint, I took an old ornament and put a layer on.  It didn't want to stick well to the glossy ornament, so I used the hairdryer to help the paint dry faster.
  • All together, I put about 5 layers of the chalk paint on, using the hairdryer between each layer.
  • Lastly, I took some clear spray paint to put a light coat over everything to help it solidify.
Sorry for the lack of pictures on how to do it, but my hands were pretty full between holding the ornament to keep the paint even and using the hairdryer.  I need three hands.

I don't think this ornament can take much wear and tear without getting scratched off, but if you take good care of it (and probably not wipe the chalk off too often) then it will continue looking great for your tree!

And because I know you'll want to see it on the tree!
(I haven't decided what I think about this red tinsel.  I'm foreseeing it leaving the tree before the day's end.)

I used the same batch of paint that I used on the ornament for the Coffee and Tea sign behind the tree.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Baking soda chalk paint?? Now that really is creative and using your resources! The ornament turned out cute!

    1. I was half surprised it worked, but it definitely made it textured enough! I don't expect it to last as long as real chalk paint though. Thanks Rachel!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Deonna! I always like a good Christmas blog hop! ;)

  3. I <3 chalkboards! Your ornaments are super cool:)

  4. Such a unique ornament. Those wouldn't last long though because the kiddos would be erasing it and writing new things on it constantly. Thanks for sharing with us at Share Your Stuff Tuesday.

    1. Yeah, I'm afraid it wouldn't if there are kiddos playing with them! We've just chosen to leave it with the JOY and not erase it, I still like the chalky look it has! :)

  5. You're so talented! I think it's adorable!

  6. Its official, I need a chalkboard ornament. So cool!

  7. These are super cute! Great idea :)

  8. Saxon,
    This is such a neat and thrifty idea...thanks so much for sharing it at my party (Nifty Thrifty Tuesday). I wanted to featured it this week, but I didn't see a link on your post back to my party...bummer:(


    1. Thanks for the consideration, Linda! I have a specific page where I keep all my buttons for link parties - things just get too unorganized if they are in-post links!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Love this ornament idea! So cute! Thanks for linking up for Take it on Tuesday!!

  10. Super cute! I can picture a whole tree of these, would be awesome! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're right! I think they'd look cute on a small kitchen themed tree! Thanks for stopping by, Kelly!

  11. Just wanted to let you know that I featured this over at A Little Bird Told Me Link Party on TLofJD. Thanks for linking up!

  12. I love this! Such a great idea, and would be great as a gift tag too :D

    1. That sounds cool too! I have really been slacking on gift tags this year...oops!

